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↓↓↓↓Songs from the Deep Forest↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
Songs from the Deep Forest


1. Wake Up Scarlett
2. Everybody Wants A Little Something
3. Brixton Leaves
4. Our Love Goes Deeper Than This (Feat. Neil Hannon and Romeo Stodart)
5. Freewheel
6. No Cover Up
7. Portrait
8. Last Night I Nearly Died
9. Ballad Of A Broken Man
10. Salvation Tambourine
1. Overture (BBC Live version)
2. Brixton Leaves (BBC Live version)
3. Last Night I Nearly Died (BBC Live version)
4. Portrait (BBC Live version)
5. Wake Up Scarlet (BBC Live version)
6. Regarding the Moonlight in Eastbourne (BBC Live version)
7. Salvation Tambourine (BBC Live version)
8. No Cover Up (BBC Live version)
9. I Let You Down (BBC Live version)
10. Freewheel (BBC Live version)


Album Details
2007 limited two CD edition of the critically acclaimed album from this Irish singer/songwriter features the addition of a 'new' track 'Our Love Goes Deeper' featuring Neil Hannon (The Divine Comedy) and Romeo (The Magic Numbers) plus a bonus CD that contains an orchestral version of the album recorded live with the Belfast Philharmonic Orchestra. V2.

Album Description
2006 Special Limited Edition of the Sophomore Album from Belfast's Peter Wilson, an Artist with a Keen Knack for Writing Melodies and Intricate Arrangements that Immediately Cling to Your Brain and Won't Let Go! He is also Blessed with the Pipes to Deliver Each Song with Passion and an Openess that is Rare in the Pop Music of the Nils. Though He Professes to Just Be Feeling it as He Goes Along, It's Just Readily Apparent that He is in Full Control of his Many Natural Gifts and this Album is Most Assuredly a Contender for Best of the Year....and One You Won't Soon Forget.

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↓↓↓↓Songs from the Deep Forest↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
Songs from the Deep Forest
↑↑↑↑Songs from the Deep Forest↑↑↑↑をamazon.co.jpで購入する

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